The Highly Qualified Visa or Highly Skilled Professional Visa is a work permit that enables citizens from outside the European Union to live and work in Spain legally, provided that they will start working in a managerial or qualified position.
The following profiles would be eligible for the visa:
Managers and individuals who manage a relatively large group of people inside a company.
Individuals who work in really technical and specialized job positions.
Non-EU citizens who finished their superior studies in a prestigious business school or university
Things to consider before applying for this visa:
Your studies:
If you would like to obtain a highly qualified visa, it is completely recommended to have completed a masters degree or a Ph.D.
Requirements for the company that will be hiring you:
The company is eligible to sponsor your visa if they meet one of the following requirements:
The company should have more than 250 employees, it should generate more than 50M € in revenue per year, or that it should have net assets valued higher than 43M€
The company is operating in a strategic sector in the country. A few examples of these companies are Renewable energies, communication, technologies, water treatment
The tasks that you will be doing for the company:
The first situation is that in which you are going to execute a managerial position in the company operating in Spain. This is, if you are a large corporate employer.
On the other hand, you do not hold a managerial position, but the concrete tasks you perform are regarded as highly skilled. In this case, the job description that you are going to send into the competent authority is really important.
The salary requirement:
If you get a job offer as a manager/director, a minimum of 54.000€ per year is required.
If you are a scientific or intellectual professional, that amount gets reduced to 40.000€ per year.
You must be over 18 years old.
Certificate of criminal record issued by the authorities of the country or countries in which you have resided during the last five years prior to entering Spain.
Passport (valid for 6 more months after the end of your visa)
Health Insurance Coverage- You should either have a public or a private health insurance that covers you during your stay in Spain.
Required Documents
Process of requesting the authorization if you are currently in Spain
Passport (valid for 6 more months after the end of your visa)
Proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay
Higher education degree or certificate
Job contract with description
Health insurance
Copy of your NIE
Police Clearance Certificate
Applicant’s resume (CV).
Process of requesting the authorization if you are not in Spain
The form of application to reside in Spain (Application for National Visa), in duplicate, filled in and signed. (Printed from the consulate website)
Passport (valid for 6 more months after the end of your visa)
A recent color photograph in passport size, front view, and with white background to be attached to the application form.
Training agreement signed between you and the company (this will be provided by the company and you only need to sign it).
Health insurance
** 100% of monthly IPREM for the main applicant = 537,84 EUR per month. Additional 75% of monthly IPREM for first dependent (if applicable) = 403,38 EUR per month. Additional 50% of monthly IPREM for each additional dependent (if applicable) = 268,92 EUR per month.
Higher education degree or certificate obtained up to two years prior to the date of application or documentation proving that you are currently pursuing studies leading to a higher education degree.
Certificate of criminal record issued by the authorities of the country or countries in which you have resided during the last five years prior to entering Spain.
Depending on your duration of your internship and country from which you are applying you may need to submit additional documents such as Medical Certificate, Proof of Accomodation, Flight Tickets
The specialised Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management is a 3 year degree that combines online core courses and a professional experience with a Spanish hospitality business.
Can your employer apply for the residence permit for you?
Yes, your employer can initiate the process on your behalf.
Where should I apply and send the required documents?
You will need to submit your resume or job description to the Large Business and Strategic Sectors Unit as they are the institution validating that you truly hold a highly skilled job position. This unit is part of the the General Direction of Migrations. If you meet their specific requirements, only then you will obtain what is called “authorization of residence for highly qualified professionals”. This can then be further submitted to the Immigration Office to get the Spanish residency.
Can your spouse and children join you?
Yes, a joint application is possible. In this case, spouse and children need to follow the same application process and submit the same documents.
What if I already have a highly-skilled position and my company relocates me to Spain?
In this case you should apply for the intra-corporate transfer visa, which essentially demands completely different documents than the highly-skilled work visa. Furthermore, the processing of this visa will happen faster as it has higher priority.