This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to your use of the Hospitality Academy Website and any related services, applications, or tools provided by Hospitality Academy ( herein referred as “Hospitality Academy”, “we,” “our,” or “us”).

The “Services” refer to all sites, social media, services, and tools covered by this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy has been created for our Users in order to outline when and why Hospitality Academy collects their information, and how Users can manage it. We respect the User’s privacy and are committed to our Users security.

By using our Services, you consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data under this Privacy Policy.



In regards to data gathered under the Hospitality Academy services, your data controller can be identified as The Placement International Group Ld.


When you sign up for any of our services, we collect your full name, your location, your email address and a personal password according to your own privacy settings.
The information that we collect when you complete or edit your profile includes but is not limited to, your name, education, experience, email, phone, Skype account, nationality, current location, birthdate, graduation date, last degree, last experience title, last experience department, status (active or not), creation and registration date, last update, current status, profile completion, eligibility, and Tags. We also collect the documents you attach on your profile (via website or email), such as CV, cover letters, reference letters, medical history, videos, pictures, previous visa copy, passport copy, criminal background information, diploma copies and signed documents. Providing further information about yourself further than what is requested on our Portal, is done on a voluntary basis. Should you decide not to share certain information while using our Services, this may affect some of the Services provided by the Portal, and your experience as a user may be restricted.

Any data that we collect and that we share with our partners will always have the purpose of providing you with the hired services, improving our services or improving the user experience. These might include but are not limited to the following: Your personal information, such as name, school, last degree, the place you live in and your email. They also have the right to collect documents such as your CV, diploma copies and signed documents, cover and reference letters, medical history, videos, pictures (that are accompanied in those documents), passport, previous Visas copy and criminal record information.

We may collect information when you use certain of our applications or interact with third-party applications as well as respond to questionnaires and contests, click on ads, sign-up for promotions, or open emails, according to your Privacy setting account on our Portal.

We may collect non-personal information on a strictly voluntary basis in the aim of improving our Website and Services as well as customize your experience on the Portal. This information may be shared with third parties, but only in aggregate with non-identifiable information provided.


Hospitality Academy does not sell, rent, share or otherwise provide your personal information to any third parties, apart from those involved in the hired services, for marketing purposes without your consent.

Your Candidate Profile is only visible and accessible by the employees of our team, as well as our independent contractors, and the information is by no means made public.

All information that you voluntarily provide on Social Media Portals, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram are accessed by our Marketing Department for promotional reasons and can be used to better enhance your experience with our Services. This information is only shared within the company and all traces of communication can be deleted upon your request.

We use and store your information, in order to:
Give you access to the functions, applications and services of the Portal.
Assess potential eligibility of your profile, for future applications or offers that you might want to consider.
Communicate with you.
Customize the service we provide to you.
Send non-promotional information required to enable your access and use of our Services.
Manage items such as contests, questionnaires and promotions.
Provide Users and third parties with relevant anonymous statistics on the Portal and its Users.
Fulfill legal and any other necessary requirements.
Investigate, respond to, and resolve complaints and Service Issues.
For security, fraud prevention and investigations.
Promote our Services and products by sending commercial communications.

The information is stored in our Candidate Profile. However, if you wish that we dispose of your profile and information, you may request for us to do so.

Third party users who have had access to your Candidate Profile information may have retained a copy of your profile or other content in their own files. Placement International cannot be held liable for the retention or future use of such information by third parties. However, all employees that end our partnership are obligated to erase all traces of our clients´ personal information from personal devices, as well as are to agree to not share or use any information for their personal use.


Hospitality Academy has a legitimate interest to process your personal data for the fundamental purposes described above, since such processing is necessary to deliver our Services to you.

As per the additional purposes of processing related to promotional activities and promotional profiling, Hospitality Academy is entitled by law or by the express consent you provide in connection with such purposes.

You can revoke your consent at any time, by addressing the corresponding revocation request to our Administrative department, to the postal or electronic addresses provided in this Privacy Policy. Please note that by revoking your consent you will be disabling the future processing of data, however, this will not be applied retroactively to data processing which has already been carried out by Placement International.

In case you revoke your consent, your revocation will not affect the legality of the data processing performed by Hospitality Academy to its revocation.


Hospitality Academy may, at any time hire national and international contractors for the sole purpose of managing information on our Portal, for recruitment and eligibility screening purposes. It will always enter into agreements with these individuals or entities that guarantee the safety and confidentiality of personal data, and according to current data protection regulations. In the event that contractors whose servers are located outside of the European Union have to process any personal data, they shall comply with the provisions established by the data protection regulations, within the European Union.

Hospitality Academy hires email marketing services from third-party providers who may be located outside the European Union. Hospitality Academy will only hire providers who guarantee their compliance with GDPR standards. These Services allow Hospitality Academy to collect information in order to track the openings of emails and the clicks on contents or links included in the emails, for marketing purposes. This information is collected in order to prepare statistical reports on the behavior of the recipients, optimize the best date and hour to send the email to recipients, as well as automate our email responses.

Hospitality Academy transfers some of your personal data to other users and to other companies which are in partnership with Hospitality Academy. Some of the processing is necessary to comply with the fundamental purposes in connection with the Services, so if you do not agree with such transfers, please do not create a Hospitality Academy account.

For more information about safeguards applied to international data transfers please contact the Administrative department at:


You have the right to edit, delete or re-upload personal information and documentation on your Candidate Profile at any given time.

You have the right to request to stop receiving offers for our opportunities abroad at any time by sending an email to our Administrative department and requesting to lock your account.

You have the right, at any time, to request a halt of communication and notifications over promotional material that is sent to you through your profile or via email.


The Website and Applications contain the software which will allow the User to view the video content, access the online course manuals, perform the online assessments, and allow Hospitality Academy to monitor User performance, create User profile and User assessment information in Hospitality Academy’s portal.

By using our services, you agree to follow the Rules and Obligations outlined by Hospitality Academy and/or any of Hospitality Academy’s partners while accessing the Website and will be liable for any damages, loss or claims howsoever arising from or relating to the use or misuse of, or access to the Services.

Without in any way derogating from the abovementioned, you will not in any way whatsoever edit, alter, copy, reproduce, transmit, perform, create derivative works of, grant any rights in respect of, publish, or disseminate the online manuals, the Content or any portion of either; disassemble or reverse engineer the Content or any part thereof; and/or do anything or allow the doing of anything, which may have the effect of circumventing, disabling, damaging or impairing the Services or the Content or any portion of either and, in particular, the Services’ control or security systems.

The Courses, the manual, the Training Media, the sites and the Content are made available “as is” and Hospitality Academy does not give any warranties of any nature whatsoever with regard thereto and/or the use or misuse thereof by Customer and/or the Users whether relating to fitness for intended purposes, accuracy of the Website and/or the Content or in any other regard whatsoever.


Hospitality Academy may modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We consequently encourage you to check the Site periodically for any changes or updates. In any case, we will contact you to communicate any modifications, which can substantially affect the contents of this Privacy Policy.


You may exercise the following rights at any time:
Right to request access to your personal data
Right to request rectification or deletion
Right to request the limitation of the processing
Right to oppose the processing

You must send an email to the Administrative department at, indicating the specific right that you wish to exercise, and attaching a copy of your ID or equivalent identification document. Please mention “Privacy Rights” as the subject of the email.

You may withdraw consent, at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on your consent.


If you choose to close your Hospitality Academy account, your personal data will generally be deleted within 30 days of receiving the notification, except as noted below.

We retain your personal data even after you have closed your account if reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our Terms & Obligations, or fulfill your request to “unsubscribe” from further messages from us. We will retain de-personalized information after your account has been closed.


Following your registration on the Site, and during your use of the Site, you may receive emails from Hospitality Academy services and product updates and with the sole purpose we have indicated in section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

We will include an email address and an unsubscribe link in each commercial communication so that you are able to unsubscribe from this type of communication.


When Users use the Site, we collect standard information such as their IP addresses and use such data in an anonymous and collective manner to analyse trends and more generally to improve the quality of the Site.


Children, under the age of 18, are strictly not eligible to use the Site and Services. We request that minors do not submit any personal information to us.


Hospitality Academy may make use of cookies to track site usage and trends and generally to improve the quality of the Site. You can remove or block cookies in your browser settings.


Access to your Hospitality Academy account and information is protected by a username and password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of this login information and for controlling access to your account.

The personal information you provide is stored on restricted servers and being applicable state of the art security measures according to international standards. However, please be aware that the Internet is not a fully secure environment and there is no guarantee that information may not be viewed, disclosed, altered, destroyed or used for any improper purposes in breach of our safeguards or by causes beyond our control. In order to minimize this risk, we recommend that you change your password on a regular basis.


In the event that Hospitality Academy goes through a total or partial business acquisition or a merger with another company, the User information will be part of the assets transferred and the newly formed/buying company will have the right to continue to use the personal and other information provided, informing to the User and complying in any case with the General Data Protection Regulation.


Should you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Site in general, please contact us by email at
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