Work and Study Abroad Benefits

work and study abroad benefits

Work and Study Abroad Benefits

Working while studying in your desired industry may sound too good to be true , but it can be a career changing experience! Here are our top 3 benefits for why you should work and study abroad!

Author: Marina Kaleb

Working while studying in your desired industry may sound too good to be true , but it can be a career changing experience! It’s common for students to have a part-time job during their studies, but it’s not always related to their program. A study conducted by Georgetown University found that over 70% of students in the USA are employed while studying. That’s over 14 million young people! While many students work in cafes, restaurants, shops etc., wouldn’t it be better to work in your specialized field?  

Juggling between your courses, work experience and social life can get tricky… Lucky for you, Hospitality Academy courses were created specifically to suit your schedule! Just in case you needed another reason to elevate your career here are out top 3 reasons: 

Earning an income 

The most obvious benefit and advantage of working while studying is earning an income and becoming independent! As a student or a young professional having that small constant income can be a life changer when it comes to money management and independence! Whether you put it aside for savings, use it for trips, shopping or activities, it’s your hard earned money and you’re in charge!

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It is the first step towards financial freedom and marks the start of your adult life. Exciting, right? Just make sure when you accept a job, it’s not on a volunteer basis (unless that’s what you want). This way you’ll be paid for your time and service so you can treat yourself at the end of the month! 

Gaining experience in the industry

The hardest challenge graduates and young professionals face is not having enough relevant experience.

Today, employees expect recent graduates to have 3-5 years of experience in the desired field for an entry level job. Which sounds a bit much right? These expectations may seem nearly impossible to meet , but there are ways to go about it! As a student, you should be gaining work experience any chance you can. Think summer and winter break internships combined with a part-time job during your course! The experience you gain will be a great addition to your resume and will stand out to your future employers. Think of it this way, any experience is better than not having any at all. 

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With Hospitality Academy, before you embark on your new adventure abroad, you will have a secured internship for the duration of your program! We understand how tough it can be which is exactly why we are here. This will enable you to gain relevant experience in the industry and strengthen your chances of future employment. Worried about how this internship may affect your studies? No need! You get to study at your own time and pace, whenever it suits you. The only requirements are a couple of days on campus a month! Did we mention it’s paid too? 


The beauty of the world is that you never truly know who you’ll meet or where!

Going outside your university bubble opens up a whole new world of opportunities. Having a job (in your industry or not) is a great way to meet people and learn something new! Networking through your job is an ideal way to gain a mentor, learn from the best and gain industry insight! You’ll be familiar with the way people work, what they are looking for and what they are missing! This way, you can curate yourself to become the ideal future candidate. 

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If you find a job within your desired industry, networking is the key to future success! Be open-minded, hardworking, and social to stand out to your employers. You can create lifelong connections with professionals and companies who may want to hire/recommend you in the future! Our best tip? Add your coworkers and employers on LinkedIn to always stay in the loop. 

It may seem too good to be true , but Hospitality Academy is here to make your dreams become reality! Join one of our campuses around the world and start working in the industry of your choice while obtaining a degree! Our programs enable you to study at your own time and pace, all while working at some of the most luxurious hotels and Michelin star restaurants in the world! 

Interested in embarking on a career in the hospitality industry?  Enroll now, and get the opportunity to travel the world, and work in some of the world’s most luxurious hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants! The world is yours: live, learn, work and enjoy!

If you are looking to earn an internationally recognized hospitality management qualification in the USA or Europe, start your journey! We provide theoretical knowledge and guarantee paid work experience in luxury hotels and restaurants in the US and Europe.   

Learn more about how Hospitality Academy can help you develop and enhance your hospitality career. You can email us at, alternatively, you can check our top programs here!

We wish you the best of luck in your future! 

Ready to embark onto the hospitality Industry in the USA or SPAIN? 


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