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Hospitality Academy takes pride in making available to students all over the world quality online education in the Hospitality area. Through our courses, we offer globally recognized certifications covering an array of qualities and skills that differentiate our students from every professional in the industry and enable them to accomplish their career goals. 

Hospitality Academy is committed to high levels of quality assurance and policies that are open, transparent, and free from bias. We have developed policies and procedures with the purpose of protecting the safety and health of the students. These policies and procedures are reviewed on a yearly basis or, if deemed necessary, in a more frequent manner.

 Every individual employed or considered for employment, and student is expected to display ethical conduct and must agree to respect Hospitality Academy ́s Code of Conduct always. This information is shared upon receiving the candidature, and every time a change in the policies and procedures takes place.

 Hospitality Academy 's Commitment

Hospitality Academy’s management team has overall responsibility for ensuring high standards of health and safety. However, we rely on all members of the staff, partners, and students to play their part in effectively implementing our health and safety policies and sharing in our commitment to:

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