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Objectives and Purpose of the Policy


  1. Hospitality Academy is committed to high levels of quality assurance and policies that are open, transparent and free from bias. We have developed policies and procedures with the
    purpose of preventing and dealing with malpractice and maladministration. These policies and procedures are reviewed in a yearly basis or, if deemed necessary, in a more frequent manner. links with other policies i.e. company mission statement, awarding body publications.
  2. Roles and Responsibilities
      • Hospitality Academy ́s leadership team, led by the Director of Quality and Operations, is responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Quality Assurance System.
      • Hospitality Academy leadership team, led by the Director of Quality and Operations, is responsible for the prevention of malpractice/maladministration within the centre.
      • Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the Quality Assurance System by: 
  1. Quality Policy and quality objectives are established for QAS and are compatible with the context of the organization.
  2. The integration of the QAS requirements into the Hospitality Academy ́s processes.
  3. The resources needed for the QAS are available
  4. The QAS achieves its intended results
  1. The use of the process approach and risk-based thinking
  2. Improvement 
  1. Students and applicable legal requirements are determined, respected and consistently met. 
  2. The risk and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed. 
  3. The focus on enhancing student satisfaction is maintained. 

Quality of Programmes

How the center quality assures its educational output

• Following the format of the ISO9001:2015 Certification, Hospitality Academy has implemented a Quality Management System to fulfill our commitment to providing the highest quality service.

o Providing students with high–quality education and training programs, by offering reputed hospitality courses and modules, which are imparted by qualified lecturers with years of experience in the Hospitality sector.

o Providing constant support, reference, and advice to our students before, during, and after their programs.

o Being transparent with all interested parties to ensure that issues and non-conformities are communicated and resolved as quickly and effectively as possible.
o Complying with the applicable legislation and ensuring our student's understanding of the applicable laws, regulations, and Hospitality Academy ́s code of ethics.

o Providing continuous training to our staff on the regulations, best practices, and contributing to their motivation, preparedness to provide the best service possible

o Overseeing and controlling suppliers, partners, and processes to ensure the success of our programs.

o Performing risk analysis, appropriate to the context of the center and processes, to adopt measures to minimize these, and establish goals and objectives to ensure the continuous improvement of our services.

• This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis, or sooner if deemed appropriate. 

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